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The snow

Updated: Jun 14, 2023

Where I come from is almost a desert most of the year, so I will feel emotional with snow and it will be like this at mine 60, 90 or 120 years old.

Maybe it is because I come from a place where it is summer practically the whole year and the rain decides to make a difference only in the months from February to May. Maybe because I just think it is beautiful. I do not know exactly, but I wonder how something cold could be so beautiful at the same time.

Two years and 10 months and certain things are still important to me as if they were the first time I felt it. The snow, the green grass, the clean air. The broken ground like a glass, plants dried by the sun, hot air entering in your lungs, that is what I felt living 29 years close the Equator Line. It feels like I have been in two completely different words, different planet. As if it were Arrakis and Rivendell, in fact the tittle could be "How I left Arrakis to live in Rivendell (The Hobbit)", and the ideia would be preserved more or less like that.

The funniest thing is that my mother sent me pictures of my motherland countryside when Dublin was still under effect of the snow that happened in 09.12.2022. The pictures quality is not the best, since my mother is not so skilled at using a cellphone camera as she is at balancing in a surfboard (she surfs very well). This old woman feeding a teenager ox is my grandmother, the girl riding in a donkey is me.

It does not mean that my motherland does not have grass, it exists, it is costly to maintain, but it exists. There, you pay dearly for water (a resource that we do not have in abundance). Or even, it is possible to find it in high latitudes, where the weather is milder. That means that is not a common thing to see there, but it exists.

Here the people say "it is a beautiful day" when it is sunny, in my motherland they say "it is a beautiful day for rain". It seems that when we move between different words, we see value in what seems very common or trivial because there is a very noticeable contrast, the climate contrast is just one aspect among many. In the beginning, it was weirder, but it is still weird and, to be honest, I do not want to lose this sensibility, I want to keep getting emotional for the next 60, 90, 120 years old.


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